quinta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2017

A time for everything.

 It 's a long time I don't post anything but it's OK,you guys can live with that right? In the end,this blog is more about the necessity to express myself than to hear so...But feel free to comment and share...So, It will continue like that and now in English! Tadaaaannn! You know why? To live a mom 's life without that many people around to take care of your baby with you and at the same time eager for some time of practice some written English is not that easy ...

That 's when technology helps me the most...Here I am writing my blog from my Motorola smartphone while he is besides me having the greatest and deepest sleeping of all!

Basically...I was supposed to write on how was the trip to Cape Verde and Lisbon and Marrocos...But, something deeper came to me..Yes,as a Gemini person I do have" deep" reflection moments...

As a imediatist Christian the verse that I always heard from my grandmother and daddy and older sister was " Take it easy, For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven"... Honestly,I was sooooo angry to here these "wisdom words" ! Come on! It  seems that the writer of Eclesiastes 3 have all control of the next day and he knew what would happen...But not me.Since I had 2 important losses in my family ( my mother and my stepmother) everything that I could do today I would do it! Everything! Cause my thought was "I can be dead by tomorrow morning...What should I wait?"
But coming to Norway in the first time started to rebuild me in another direction...More planing..Much more planning!I struggled like hell! How to be spontaneous in a culture like that was my big issue...Anyways...I worked in this the best that I could...And suddenly, imagine,a meeting that I planned 3 months before it really happened!
Nowadays, this verse keeps even more alive cause, since I became a mom I have denied a lot of small things and big things also ...From to take a shower to not get a job or a new course ...But yes,the time for bath came and also it will come the time for job and professional achievements ...And the best thing that my anxiety prevented me from seeing was I can plan accordingly with which time brings me as a necessity...Each time has a need...And to make life softer I can plan in medium , short and long terms...The big issue right now is to figure out what I really need instead of what I really want since they keep fighting between themselves and I pretty sure it will be like that until I die...And this will be a main theme for the next article ;) 

Hope this text could be a good pill against our daily life anxieties...But how you see this there is time for everything in life? Is it a hard thing to accept it too?

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