quinta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2012

Forget about the price tag and Merry christimans :)

  FORGET A BOUT THE PRICE TAG and Merry Christmans :)

              It is so funny how the things during our walk are connecting. During the studies in Hald in my mind a sogn stucked. It was talking about  money. Of course that before come to Norway I figure out  that I was going to a very rich country and also a example meanly of social equality . I was really exciting to come to learn more about everthing. But then I figure out when I was here that people here are so simple and also have so simple habbits of eating  ( bread every time ! haha) , to have fun ( go to a trip in the mountais or sleep in the forest) that is clear that money here at lest for the most people that I walk with mostly students it is not everthinh at all. And then I could see taht this song fits so well with the moments in Hald where I could apreciatte  the frindship of people that lives all over the world and where in each lunch or supper ( because I never could stand up in breakfeast , haha) during the breaks of the class or during the free time where we played a lot of voley of basketball or even better during the night drinks tea and talking about many differents things or just singing... Well, that were very precious moments for sure :)
             Now, I mean since september  it is a complete diferent moment where we get out of the 'buble' , or better we  out of Narnia as we used to say living our cotiadiane lifes not in a kind of acamp but in the cities and seeing different influences that there are in each part of the city. And now it is impossible to avoid the Christimans theam. I mean , now more than before , there are a lot of people buying many gifts to pleasent their parents , their families and friends. And this is very good of course ! It is reeeaaly nice for me more give than receive gifts ! I really love it. But then I figure out that as many students , well, I don't have a lot of money to buy Christimans gifts for the ones that I love so much.But  after thinking some minutes about the meaning of the Christimans I just give up to keep thinking in this way to see the Christimans and I just figure out that I don't need to be disturbed by that.I just understand that I decided to be more conscient about my consume and live more free from credit cards and been set free by Jesus and by his amazing grace forgetting the price tags ;) Afetr all, isn't Chritmans about that also ?
               God Jul !