quarta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2013


Editora Quarta-Feira: BEM AVENTURADOS OS PACIFICADORES: por Caio Moretto A Editora Quarta-feira se prepara para lançar seu primeiro livro: as cartas trocadas entre Tolstói e Gandhi . Os tex...

A little bit to her ...

                    Como esquecer de uma amiga que se despencou da Inglaterra só pra ficar cuidando de mim e gastando din din na cara Noruega ... Ela é uma das poucas e boas que quando descobri que realmente viria para a Noruega não soube como retribuir tanto amor mas aqui vai uma pequena homenagem para minha que sobra alma e reflexões sobre a vida: Andréia Coutinho.
E não somente eu mas esses doidos que toparam encarar essa viagem comigo e eu com eles. O Johnny da Inglaterra ela conheceu e a impressão que ela deixou nele ,além de ser linda , foi de profunda. Pensei que fosse só eu !?

                    E para não me desmentir aí vai Julianne Romahein que concordou e não perdeu a piada . O Dejan , bem , ela não teve o azar de conhecer mas aguentar alguns segundos pela internet é ok. hehehe.
Então , amiga... Você sabe que eu não perco a piada ... Então, compartilhando um pouco desse momento com você aí. 
                    Detalhe básico : Neste dia  estávamos aguardando o ônibus que é tão organizado e tem hora de chegadas e partidas quanto no Brasil além de superlotado, principalmente com o discurso do Papa durante a Páscoa , Roma infla! Assim , decidimos nós esperar no Macdonalds e tomar cerveja escondido já que era proibido , óbvio. 
Enjoy !


E afinal o que você foi fazer na Noruega ?

              É ... Realmente o medo que eu tinha quando eu estava na Noruega de voltar ao Brasil está começando a tomar forma através das conversas , dos olhares não compreensivos ou não tão surpresos quando falo das minhas experiências na Noruega.
              Pra começar é extremamente complicado transmitir agora e aqui o que pude experimentar na Noruega tanto como pessoa como na organização  e nos relacionamentos que me envolvi. E se consigo transmitir um micro pedaço disso expressando em palavras que me relacionei com pessoas de diversas nações do mundo e que nos relacionávamos bem apesar de todas as diferenças, que fiz amizades, mesmo que momentâneas ou até poucas pra vida toda , mas fiz amizades, cresci em cultura, aprendi um novo jeito de viver com os noruegueses que por mais que inicialmente   me trouxesse angústia o tal do "planning every second" (planejando cada segundo)  aprendi que posso ter um amanha do jeito que planejei ter sem deixar a vida e os outros ou até mesmo eu mesmo e minhas deficiências emocionais me levarem. Aprendi a dar espaço pro meu ser criador , inventivo e não mata-lo por que não traz renda, ou nem começar a fazer porque realmente ..." quem vai comprar isso" .

                 No meio de uma Noruega que majoritariamente segue as imposições capitalistas do consumismo, aprendi que precisava mesmo é ser e não ter . Até porque a bolsa que como estudante ganhava para uma consumista em recuperação como eu,  e em um dos países com um dos mais altos custos de vida,  não poderia cobrir todos os meus gastos. E ser , servindo com esse jeito de ser , seja ao movimento IFES seja na parceria e na troca diária com pessoas próximas , caminhando no conhecimento do outro e de mim mesma. 
                  Agora, eu paro. E depois de 2 meses , eu , estudante universitária preciso continuar a minha vida em um país subdesenvolvido permeado por protestos pelos quais eu tanto ansiava na Noruega( mais uma oração ouvida!) e tendo que me expressar da maneira que faça as pessoas perceberem que na real , fazer as coisas por dinheiro ...E tentar de alguma forma decodificar isso pra mim e pros outros.Mas posso tentar resumir em uma palavra que é ser e não ter.

sábado, 9 de março de 2013

Woman's day.

Yeasterday, I saw me asking my self what exactly I want as a woman in the 21st century ...In the midle of feminists questions , in the meadle of all questions the my faith brings me to me everyday ...Actually, the gospel never brings me any prepared answer but strenght to search and as a brazilian woman living in a norwegean culture I just pray God to give wisdom to me and  for the  who follow Him ( or try to ) to keep seeking His kingdom , learning how to love . But , also , I would like to have in my country the respect way that woman are treated in this country . Not like a peace of meat , or something to feed the man's sexual hungry , but like a being , a full being that can walk in the street without feeling ashemed sometimes to use a skirts because they will be looking at her , also , that can pass calmly in front of a building in contruction without be annoyed with some stupid sounds that makes me fell like something else , but not like a real woman.
Anyway, besides that relation  between man and woman wich is mostly very equal and respectfull , I could meet some very strong and autentic old womans... Not exactly lie my stepmothers in Brazil wich I have  to confess are my first example of strenght in womans and in lidership of family also  always doing all to make bring everybody together but here I could see also this personalityes in woman's but also something that kept my attention was the independence that they have.In many ways, in iving , I mean they don't care and go to run , o go to SKYING!And for me this is awsome! Other day, I went to Fløyen , wich is one of the seven mountas that suround Bergen, and I was not so energyzed to run , but then there I mett more then 6 woman in a age of 60 or 70 running in the meadle of the week in the top of the mountain. I was feeling THE WOMAN exercising , doind things that almost nobody does in the meadle of the week...My pride after to meet this womans just changes to laughing about myself and learning more! Yes ! They are veryyy alive !They inspired my many times.
There are of course another scenes that I will not forget!
For example, during the visits to the schools we slept in a house of a very kind woman, s. Margretta, but also very clear and honest. She host us, Elizabeth, Gjermund and me and during our dinner she told in a very clear tone of voice :'' Well, your are sleeping here this night so I want to let you know that everybody here in the breakfast, lunch or dinner clean their own dishes then I don't need to do it for everyone right ?''
I just got impressed with that but at the same time I loved her honesty !:)  I was just remembering my stepmother Itala very tired doing the dishes of everyone after the lunch in the sundays with some few of us ''helping'' her.
This completely changesd my ming and one of the things that I will do when I comeback to Brazil is to encourage the womans in my family in this way.
So, for us !It suppoesed to be a small post but now I couldnt stoopped the inspiration that come from the woman's everywhere!
A great day and also strenght  in our weakness to keep fighting for what we believe  and  meanly fight for love.

domingo, 27 de janeiro de 2013

Coming back to the real world ( or not )

Coming back to the real world ( or not )      

        I would like to know how to express trough word this meeting is so important for all of us I believe.
But see some friends again , I know I have learned that I can not forget one name that is why I will not write any name here because for sure I will forget a really important person. Anyway, have the feeling again to be in Hald transmite for me a lot of energy to start a year and the work in a very nice way.With a lot of  divine inspirantions coming directly from  this internationals friends.
        Just to be together is a big gift  and go to the pool , well was the funiest part I think.Meanly when we had to take a shower in the end…. Haha. That was the funniest one for sure . Even more funny when Biljana tell the details about it  in relation to the reaction of some children looking to so many different tipes of womans body. Something that I cannot reithout remember without laughing even when I am alone !rsrsr. Now , people in the airport are looking at me . I hope that they don’t carry me to a sanatory.
      By the way , I remembered know about the word of wisdom that Aaron give us about Hope ( it wasn’t about his team mate Hope Rachel exactly but I really believe that she liked the joke !) that make me feel strong in the Lord , for sure , because of course not everthing during a trip like this are not only flowers  and the hard part of it we could share together wich make us see that we are not alone ! To try to describe the challenges that I think everybody in Hald has in commom  and that facebook doesn’t show very well ,mostly is about the language for sure with is not so easy to learn but is , at least for me , so beatifull and sounds like music ( wich in a way make me fell encourage t speak it=]) and the worst part also in a culture so different from Brazil is to keep touching with people and have a reliable relationship even when you can not change easily the fact that you are almost always late. This is really !And a big sacrifice for sure to change, espeacially for me . But  as time pass we could see in ourselves and also in the others the changes in especif things that make this time here be so especial because as I can see we can learn here other style of life , common in a way for some Brazilians , but not something about the culture at all! I mean exactly this style of planning  and to be in the places on time, to have meetings with people that you really want to be and give for them the attention and the care that everybody needs is something that I appreciate a lot about be here, and be like this without having somebody  teeling that this is not good  or that is not healthy . That is better to have a lot of people but at the same time having no one. Well, is the way that I see me now. And in the begging of this year the thing that I really want to change in me  and to experience  to is deep understand is  this : have the relations that I already have going deep and see how can a friend change and make everthing better or at least different !:) The same I wish for my hald friends especially , Biljana that makes me feel so good in her place , serving me and cooking for me !Very good food !If somebody has difficults in cooking evenafter the cooking class with Monica ask her , I tell you : Mama will be really happy to teach some cooking for you( I hope so …). And Ola caracola that make everthing be more fresh when invite us to slepp outside .    Daiana , when is  just as she is everytime and for using her drama gift in the video that we made to Eliezer and also making people feel more stylish ( isn’ it dejan?).By the way ,I can not forget of course Catoon and Dejan trying to sing Portuguese and Bruno playing amazingly guitar as always( and singing even better !) .So, my people , my people I pray that you enjoy the last  3 months in your intership places intensively !Klem fra Ju !:)